Even When She's Lost It.....

I hauled my beehind up to my niece Miriam's bungalow
 and brought her the newly covered wooden armchairs that I showed you in my last post.
Remember how I told you that I was going to mix the white chairs with the green in her dining room.....
and put a pair of the green chairs in her living room?????
We had been using just the green in her dining room...

I tried them out mixing the green and white.
We didn't like it that way.
No No No No No!!!!!
Side by side comparison.....

And we liked the white better in the living room.
Here is the way the green looked in the living room.....

And here is the way the white looked in the living room.....

Side by side comparison.....
I think the white works better with the linen press....

I love the way all the blues work together.
The room was not in the sun.....
 it was very dark.....
 and I didn't bring my photography lights..... 
so the pictures came out dark.....
 and I had to edit them to make them lighter.....
 and everything got screwed up.....
it is what it is, and that's all it ever will be.......

On that note,
Latah, Gatah


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