I know I that I have posted so many times about our master bedroom already.

And I guess, it's high time I feature our son's rooms on my blog.

So let me start with AIDAN's room

Something obvious on the door
I used clearance Foam letters from "Michael's" to label both my son's room. And the only reason I chose these were because they were cheaper (of course) and lighter. If you are to put wooden letters on a door, I betcha you'll have problems with if falling all the time or making a lot of noise as you open and close the doors. With these, putting them up is easy and more practical in the long run.

Aidan's room as of April 2012

The bed is their old bunk bed and this is the top portion. Nio has the other one. The white shelves were garage sale finds for $5 a piece. I opted not to put anything on the left side of the bed since there is a trundle bed underneath (for sleepovers, guests, etc).

Reading Area
      We love to read and we love that our kids are steadily becoming reading lovers too, so we always made reading areas in their rooms.

    Here in Aidan's reading area, I used 2 soft chairs that are convertible to bed (for sleep-overs) in his reading area. The chairs are from walmart.com it's called Your Zone Flip Chair in stadium blue. The table is from IKEA, it was on clearance m any years ago for about $10. It can also double as a tracing table! The bookshelf is from Land of Nod Outlet store for $15.

more knick-knacks and books

     You may have also noticed that I only have a few toys out. That is so that I can conquer clutter better and also so that they will take books more than toys ( tricky, tricky mom eh?!).

     I rotate the toys around because we all know how easily bored with toys kids get after a while, so to make them "fresh" again, I constantly change the toys on display for play.
His art wall
I used these picture rails from IKEA for easier rotation of his art and other sentimental stuff.

The letter above the bed is from rhbabyandchild.com. The bedding is from IKEA.

I know, I know, the wall is VERY BEAR. I have yet to put up some art in that huge gigantic wall. The circle came with the house, I just added the letter there.

Growth chart
I got theNumber art from Marhall's years ago, it's from AMY COE and because you know me, this was on clearance for $5. The ruler is a purchase of mine from ETSY, here it the LINK on where I bought it from.

This dresser is one of my favorite finds. I got it from the Salvation Army store and it's from Marshall Fields ( for those of you who are not familiar with the store, this used to be a high-end department sotre in Chicago, recently bought out by Macys), cost? $5!!!!

It is a beautiful mid-century piece, although a bit scratched up, especially on the left side, I love it's clean lines and simplicity. I might repaint this thing one day... :-)

We do love our TOY STORY

There you have it folks, Aidan's room.  Hope you get some ideas for your own little one's space!

Have a wonderful day!


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