Paul started taking pictures then developing and printing the results, by the time he was five years old. News and features photography took Paul around the world covering war and famine, sport, politics and celebrity.
He helped record major events such as the miners' strike, the Lockerbie bombing and the fall of the Berlin wall. He's been shot at, chased by wild elephants, poisoned, and nearly drowned in a hurricane covering a four-month transatlantic yacht race. Now that's what I call dedication!
His work has been featured in many interior magazines such as Elle Decoration, Living Etc, GQ, Vogue, The Times, Observer, The New York Times and Paris Match.
From an open window to a giant vintage spool, he takes care of every detail.
Choooooo! Sorry. Blessyou!
The next photographs belong to his shooting location.
More images in his portfolio right here.
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