An eight foot tall palm tree by the lap pool. Limestone flooring.
The table is set in the orangerie with 'Coral Charm' peonies, Aynsley plates and Source Perrier glasses.
Anglo-Indian 19th-c. sofa, antique English table, and American 19th-c. chairs.
The orchids are quite amazing. These are called Orchid Odontoglossum 'Margarete Holm.'
Azaleas, bougainvillea, oleander, orchids and a "Big Boy" palm decorate the plant room. Custom wrought-iron plant stand, an antique metal and marble table, and a pagoda-style light fixture complete the atmosphere.
A white bathroom with a French 19th-c. chandelier and antique inlaid bench.
"Cabana closet"
This is the pool house exterior with wings for the orangerie and plant room. Virginia creeper soon will cover the walls.
All images and information from Veranda.
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