The blue painted ceiling and beams and the Moroccan table make a statement in this porch. With a view to a pool, an owl figure was placed in the corner in an attempt to scare off pigeons. Mmm, I don't think that works. If I were a pigeon I'd definitely stand on its head.
A recovered trumeau mirror above the mantel designed by Jaime Parladé. On the left, the portrait of a former British Governor of Gibraltar. Notice how the beams have been painted a different colour for each room throughout the house.
Primary colours and rustic furniture.
The bullfighting poster was painted by Anthony Fry.
Painting by Tim Behrens.
Combination of styles for the master bedroom: ethnic embroidered fabrics, a Moroccan night table, and an English mirror.
This nook in the master bedroom was furnished with a Queen Anne high back sofa covered with an Indian fabric.
Let me know if you like this style!
I have linked this post over at Friday Favourites, Toot Your Hor and Miss Mustard Seed. As always, thanks Jessica, Leah and Miss Mustard for hosting!
All images and information from Nuevo Estilo.
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