Adding More @#$ To A Wall!!!

My bidness partner and buddy, Kris and I have tried.....
we really have.....
but we be weak!
We can't help ourselves!
We always want more!!!!!
Remember her front hall?????
We started with it this way.....
Kris had 12 framed herbieres that she had purchased at an antique show.
I used what she had and hung them in an 
absolutely stunning arrangement!!!
a couple of weeks ago she called me to tell me that she had been to another antique show with a friend of hers and the same dealer had 6 more!!!!!
She had bought two of them, and did I think that she should go back and scoop up even more?????
I could have been interested in the possibility of what to do with the new pictures.....
But all I could think of was.....
You went without me?????
after I calmed down,
after I reminded myself that I am her best friend, even if she doesn't realize it, 
after I finished planning what to do in revenge.....
I agreed to look at the pictures I had her take of her husband, the magnificent Keith, holding the pictures in different arrangements, so I could figure out how many more she needed.

I told her to take a picture holding one alongside the settee.
I told her to then take a picture holding two alongside the settee.

(That's right!!!! I called you a dingbat Kris!!!!! See if you go anywhere without me again!!!!!)
(Of course, in her defense, I never want to go anywhere..........
First she showed just one more.
Then she showed two more....
I emailed her a sweet note that said.....
"Are you out of your mind????? I need you to take a picture of the whole area, I can't tell nothin' form this here picture!!!!!"
she sent me these....
First she showed me one more.....
Then she showed me two more.....
She was also wondering if she should hang another one on the adjacent wall. 
Well, I thought that all we needed was two more, one on each side.
that's what she hung, and I think it looks just right!!!!!
Here's a side by side.
I love what just a couple more do to the overall look of the space.
More on each side would have been....
(dare I say it?????)
too much!!!!!
And I definitely didn't want another one on the end wall.
now it be goodist!!!!
Which is way better than gooder!!!!!

On that note,
Lateh, Gatah


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