Before I get to today's decoratin' story..... I first would like to tell you guys about the gentleman who woke me up this morning fr...
Before I get to today's decoratin' story..... I first would like to tell you guys about the gentleman who woke me up this morning fr...
This one was too big..... This ones too small..... And this one is JUST RIGHT!!!!! If you've been following my blog, and shame on you i...
Well Kampers..... I'm back up in friggin' Massafreezinchusetts. Florida was great. I'm goin' back down in a couple three wee...
La La La La La..... I'm down here in Flerida, chilling out.... puttering around my house, getting things done that needed to be done si...
Original Kerry Steele Water color from The Pink Pagoda Shop I am so happy to share with you my latest acquisition for my home… my first Ker...
As always, changing up the decor for the seasons has been part of my decorating routine for our home. So after the holidays, with a clean sl...