We were invited by the Vercides family to join them on some fall fun over in Missouri. First we headed of to the famous restaurant of "Throwed rolls " -
Kids waiting to go in |
This famous resto in Sikeston, MO, has been famous for the rolls and their gigantous servings. Here's what their website says:
"People who visit Lambert's Cafe for the first time are invariably amazed at the generous portions served on each order. These generous servings along with our "THROWED ROLLS" have inspired many questions."
Aidan tries to catch some hot rolls |
Check out our pitcher of drinks! |
Check out our "generous food! |
After stuffing ourselves to our our faces, we needed to use up all those calories, and off we headed for
"Begg's Family Farm".
Giant Rocking Chair fit for the whole family |
This farm has been owned by the family since 1895!!!! All 1100 acres of it!
Our first stop, good old fashion "Duck Races"...
Pumping away to win! |
Then off to some Slidin', bouncin', racin' and mazin'!!!!
Not sure what this giant tube really is, but heck, it seemed fun for slidin'! |
Better than a trampoline! |
And since we were in Hill-billy country, we had to watch the famous Pig races - starring Lindsey Loham, Hannah Hamtana, Spongebob Piggypants and Jean Claude Van Ham!!!!
Off they go!!!!! |
The kids capped the day off by playin' in some corn..
Who says you can't get buried in food?! |
It was truly fun-filled, yummy-filled day! Spending time with family and friends is what makes it extra-special and extra-memorable!
Happy All-together! |
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