Come and see today's lovely ideas!

Hang some ornaments on a bunch of branches. So easy. So beautiful.
Southern Accents.


Branches keep steady in this vase full of... umm...fruit... so, what are they? Mini yellow plums? Tiny lemons? Dates? Can someone shed a little light on me?
Southern Accents

I would truly appreciate it if someone could tell me what those vases/urns are for!

Southern Accents.

Candles in your flower pots on the window sill. Love this idea!
From minlilaveranda

Wedgewood-like ornaments.

Magnus Persson at Johner.

Instead of placecards, hang placehearts on the back of your guests' chairs.
Annika Vanneurs at Johner.
And for my crafty readers here is a simple tutorial for making these lovely paper snowflakes. I found it at Karoline's blog. They look complicated to make but I can assure you they are so simple and even better: no paper bits and pieces all over the place to clean up!
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