Indulge me a bit, I'm posting about Easter one more for this year. I made my boys Easter Basket using stuff from the Dollar store and ...
To paint or not to paint

I found this couple while lurking at my local Goodwill store... Hello Mrs. & Mr. Chin - that's what I named them :-) For $3 a piece,...
Our Egg-Cellent Easter Decor
Here I am again, the "reluctant" Easter Decorator decorating for Easter once again! Re-using old things and arranging them diffe...
Making something Jonathan Adler-ish

This post is just perfect for today. You all know how much of a fan I am of Jonathan Adler! The Happy Chic Collection by Jonathan Adler ...
Spring Vignette
Just wanted to share with you my simple spring vignette on our Living Room Console table. And since it is ST. PATRICK'S DAY , I think a...
Which tile would you choose?
I have a huge project in the works in my home. Nothing "concrete" yet, but hopefully it pushes thru this summer. I am looking at t...
Fab Find - Jonthan Adler Capiz Lighting Look-a-like

I recently was scouring the web for some lighting for a future project of mine, and I stumbled upon this Jonathan Adler lighting... Image co...
Spring is in the air - at least in my living room!
I'm getting tired of this drab cold winter weather so I thought of bringing some S pring into the house... Nothing like a pillow swit...
Welcome to our home

When we moved in to our house, we got a very sweet gift from a very sweet friend. I think this sums up how we feel about guests in our home ...
My favorite Iphone Case
I am recent iphone convert and the most favorite accessory I have for my phone right now is this... it's from Tiny Prints and I love it!...