These two eighteenth century neighbouring houses in Honfleur, France, were bought by a lawyer called Josette. She had them restored and are ...
These two eighteenth century neighbouring houses in Honfleur, France, were bought by a lawyer called Josette. She had them restored and are ...
The Pantry - it can be your best friend or your worse enemy in your kitchen. I have always dreamed of a walk-in pantry, but alas, our new ho...
Hope you had a lovely weekend, my friends. Interior designer Mikel Larrinaga renovated this 1936 small school located in the natural park ca...
Lazing on a Sunday afternoon? Nice. Now you can lazily have a look at these photographs of a seaside flat in Kent. It belongs to Anastasia H...
This 17th century farmhouse is located in Catalonia, Spain. A clever and careful arrangement of furniture and the use of natural earth tone...